Monday, October 26, 2009

How to set your goals..??

This note is one of the example of setting goals for a "fat loss" program

Setting goals is an important way to measure your progress.
But setting realistic goals is the only way to actually hit your milestones.

My rules:
For the first 2 weeks of a new regimen,
strive to establish consistency and to change any bad habits.
For instance, aim for a set number of workouts or cut out highly processed snacks from your diet.
This first step the most hard thing to do but after you succeed, the rest will be just down the hill.

Set your sights on your first performance-related fitness goal for the next month.
Don't expect major physique changes just yet. You just began to heat the muscles slightly.
You won't be discouraged as long as your performance improves. So, be motivated always.

The 3-month mark is when you'll start seeing some changes in the way you look.
Take note, make a table and commpare your weight and size to see your development.

After 6 months, you should be well on your way to achieving several long-term goals.
Then you can reassess your goals for the next 6 months.
You may consume your former goal to mantain your routine
or you may increase the intensity depends on your target.

Note's synopsis:
Time / Goal (for a fat loss program)
2 weeks / Complete six to eight workouts
1 month / Increase your bench press by 10 to 15 pounds
3 months / Lose 3 to 4 inches off your waist
6 months / Lose 25 pounds, then reassess your goals


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